Kai Zhang
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张 凯

I am a tenure-track associate professor at School of Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My research interests are bluff body aerodynamics, unsteady separated flows, and wind turbine aerodynamics.

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研究经历   Research Experience

2020.03 - 2022.01, Rutgers University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Postdoctoral research associate

2019.01 - 2020.02, University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Postdoctoral research associate

2017.11 - 2018.12, Florida State University
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Postdoctoral research associate

2014.10 - 2017.09, Yokohama National University 横浜国立大学
Department of Civil Engineering
Doctor of Engineering

2012.10 - 2014.09, Yokohama National University 横浜国立大学
Department of Civil Engineering
Master of Engineering

2011.09 - 2012.09, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学
Department of Civil Engineering
Master candidate

2007.09 - 2011.08, Xi'an Jiao Tong University 西安交通大学
Department of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering


--------------- 2025 ---------------

A multi-fidelity framework for power prediction of wind farm under yaw misalignment
Tu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, K., He, R., Han, Z. & Zhou, D.
Applied Energy 377, 124600. (2025)

--------------- 2024 ---------------

Effects of Thom disk on alleviating ground effects of a wall-mounted rotating cylinder
Zhao, B.-Y., Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Hu, S.-L., & Wang, H.-F.
AIAA Journal submitted

An optimization framework for wind farm layout design using CFD-based Kriging model
Wang, Z.-F., Tu, Y., Zhang, K., Han, Z., Cao., Y., & Zhou, D.
Ocean Engineering 293, 116644. (2024) |link |arXiv

--------------- 2023 ---------------

Assessment of the aerodynamic benefits of collocating horizontal- and vertical-axis wind turbines in tandem using actuator line model
Shao, Y., Su, J., Tu, Y., Kuang, L., Han, Z., Zhang, K. & Zhou, D.
Physics of Fluids 35, 075115. (2023) |link

Aerodynamic characterization of two tandem wind turbines under yaw misalignment control using actuator line model
Tu, Y., Zhang, K.*, Han, Z., Zhou, D. & Bilgen, O.
Ocean Engineering 281, 114992. (2023) |link |arXiv

Reynolds number effects on the bistable flows over a wavy circular cylinder
Zhang, K., Zhu, H., Cao, Y. & Zhou, D.
Ocean Engineering 271, 113776. (2023) |link |arXiv

End boundary effects on wakes dynamics of inclined circular cylinders
Zhang, K., Bao, Y., Zhou, D. & Han, Z.
Ocean Engineering 269, 113543. (2023) |link |arXiv

--------------- 2022 ---------------

Wing sweep effect on laminar separated flows
Marques Ribeiro, J. H., Yeh, C.-A., Zhang, K. & Taira, K.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 950, A23 (2020). |link |arXiv

Wake interactions between two side-by-side circular cylinders with different sizes
Zhang, K*. & Haque, N.
Physical Review Fluids 7, 064703. (2022) |link |arXiv

Linear modal instabilities around post-stall swept finite aspect ratio wings at low Reynolds numbers
Burtsev, A., He, W., Hayostek, S., Zhang, K., Theofilis, V., Taira, K. & Amitay, M.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 944, A6. (2022) |link |arXiv

Laminar vortex dynamics around forward-swept wings
Zhang, K.* & Taira, K.
Physical Review Fluids 7(2), 024704. (2022) |link |arXiv

Low-Reynolds-number aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with piezocomposite trailing control surfaces
Zhang, K.*, Shah, B. & Bilgen, O.
AIAA Journal 60(4), 1-6. (2022) |link |arXiv

Toward practical uses of neural networks for fluid flow estimation
Morimoto, M., Fukami, K., Zhang, K. & Fukagata, K.
Neural Computing and Applications 34, 3647–3669. (2022) |link

Aerodynamic characterization of low-aspect-ratio swept wings at Re=400
Zhang, K. and Taira, K.
AIAA SciTech. San Diego, CA. Jan. 3-7, 2022.

--------------- 2021 ---------------

Convolutional neural networks for fluid flow analysis: toward effective metamodeling and low dimensionalization
Morimoto, M., Fukami, K., Zhang, K., Nair, A. G. & Fukagata K.
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 33, 103603. (2021) |link

Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics with low-dimensionalized flow representations
Fukami, K., Murata, T., Zhang, K. & Fukagata, K.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 926, A10. (2021) |link |arXiv

--------------- 2020 ---------------

Laminar separated flows over finite-aspect-ratio swept wings
Zhang, K.*, Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Burtsev, A., Theofilis V. & Taira, K.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 905, R1. (2020) |link |arXiv

Bistable states in the wake of a wavy cylinder
Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Katsuchi, H., Yamada, H., Han, Z. & Bao, Y.
Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 074112. (2020) |link |arXiv

On the formation of three-dimensional separated flows over wings under tip effects
Zhang, K.*, Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., He, W., Theofilis V. & Taira, K.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 895, A9. (2020) |link |arXiv

Multi-fidelity aerodynamic modeling of a floating offshore wind turbine rotor
Zhang, K. and Bilgen, O.
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. online. Nov. 2020.

--------------- 2019 ---------------

Wake dynamics of finite aspect ratio wings. Part I: An experimental study
Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Zhang, K., Taira, K., He, W. and Theofilis, V.
AIAA SciTech. San Diego, CA. Jan. 7-11, 2019.

Wake dynamics of finite aspect ratio wings. Part II: Computational study
Zhang, K., Taira, K., Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., He, W. and Theofilis, V.
AIAA SciTech. San Diego, CA. Jan. 7-11, 2019.

Wake dynamics of finite aspect ratio wings. Part III: TriGlobal linear stability study
He, W., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V. Zhang, K., Taira, K., Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M.
AIAA SciTech. San Diego, CA. Jan. 7-11, 2019.

Collaborative investigation of 3-D separation on low aspect ratio finite span wings
Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Zhang, K., Taira, K., He, W., Burtsev, A. and Theofilis, V.
59th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences. Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel. March 2019.

Separated flows over finite-aspect-ratio wings: computational, experimental, and stability analyses
Taira, K., Zhang, K., Amitay, M., Hayostek, S., Theofilis, V., He, W. and Burtsev, A.
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon. Southampton, UK. Jul. 2019.

--------------- 2018 ---------------

Large eddy simulation of flow over inclined wavy cylinders
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H., Bao, Y., Han, Z & Zhu, H.
Journal of Fluids and Structures 80, 179-198. (2018) |link

Numerical study of flow past a transversely oscillating wavy cylinder at Re=5000
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H., Bao, Y., Han, Z & Zhu, H.
Ocean Engineering 169, 539-550. (2018) |link

A smoothed finite element approach for computational fluid dynamics: applications to incompressible flows and fluid–structure interaction
He, T. & Zhang H. & Zhang, K.
Computational Mechanics 62, 1037–1057. (2018) |link

Free and forced vibration of a wavy cylinder in cross-flow direction
Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Katsuchi, H., Yamada, H., Bao, Y. and Han, Z.
7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations. Marseille, France. Jul. 2018.

--------------- 2017 ---------------

An Overview of the Combined Interface Boundary Condition Method for Fluid–Structure Interaction
He, T. & Zhang, K.
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 24, 891–934. (2017) |link

AC-CBS-Based partitioned semi-implicit coupling algorithm for fluid-structure interaction using stabilized second-order pressure scheme
He, T. & Zhang, K. & Wang, T.
Communications in Computational Physics 21(5), 1449-1474. (2017) |link

Numerical simulation of vortex induced vibrations of a flexibly mounted wavy cylinder at subcritical Reynolds number
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H., Zhang, T. & Han, Z.
Ocean Engineering 133, 170-181. (2017) |link

On the fluid dyanmics of circular cylinders with spanwise waviness
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Yamada, H. and Zhou, D.
the 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering. Liege, Belgium. Jul. 2017.

--------------- 2016 ---------------

Numerical study on the effect of shape modification to the flow around circular cylinders
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H. & Han, Z.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 152, 23-40. (2016) |link

Numerical study of flow around circular cylinders with shape modification
Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Katsuchi, H., and Yamada, H.
14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering. Beijing, China. Oct. 2016.

Numerical investigation of vortex induced vibration of wavy cylinders
Zhang, K., Zhou, D., Katsuchi, H., and Yamada, H.
IASS Annual Symposium. Tokyo, Japn. Sep. 2016.

Numerical investigation of vortex induced vibration of wavy cylinders
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D. and Yamada, H.
8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodyanmics and Applications. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Jun. 2016.

--------------- 2015 ---------------

Combined interface boundary condition method for fluid–structure interaction: Some improvements and extensions
He, T. & Zhang, K.
Ocean Engineering 109(15), 243-255. (2015) |link

Large eddy simulation of flow around circular cylinders with shape modification
Zhang, K., Katsuchi, H., Zhou, D., Yamada, H. and M. Nishio.
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering. Porto Alegre, Brazil. Jun. 2015.

--------------- 2014 ---------------

Flow-induced vibration on a circular cylinder in planar shear flow
Tu, J., Zhou, D., Bao, Y., Fang, C., Zhang, K., Li, C. & Han Z.
Computers & Fluids 105, 138-154. (2014) |link


  • Peer Review for Journal of Fluid Mechanics, AIAA Journal, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Physics of Fluids, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ocean Engineering, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Journal of VisualizationProceedings of the Royal Society A, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Reliability Engineering & System Safety

  • 中国空气动力学会第八届风工程和工业空气动力学专业委员会委员 (2022 - 2027)

  • © Kai Zhang. All rights reserved. Original template by Y. Wang